Jankelův betlém
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Karel Jankele Sr. (1838-1919) became the most well-known creche author. He lived at 606 Litomyšl Street and originally he was a weaver, later he become a house-painter. As a nephew of Karel Fiala he had a great possibility to see his work and soon he tried to imitate his uncle. Jankele's own creche was over 8 m long. Unfortunatelly his work and his life were interrupted by a stroke at Christmas 1919. A few days later the family tragedy continued by a sudden death of his son Karel Jankele Jr.
Today we can see Jankele's creche in the museum in Česká Třebová. It was also admired by visitors of The World Creches Exposition in Switzerland in 1993. We could also see it in Hradec Králové, Prostějov, Rychnov nad Kněžnou, Příbram, etc. Some of Jankele's statuettes are stil part of many other creches.
Today the creche of Karel Jankele Jr. is owned by his family.
The family tradition is continued by Karel Jankele's grandson Jaroslav Jankele. Although he is not a creche creator himself, he takes care of his great-grandfather creche and owns a lot of other wonderful works which are very uncommon and valuable.